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Tree Sect (New)

Anything that looks like this is a restricted casting that needs requesting from the Character Ref. In addition, your character must be of the minimum rank indicated before they can learn the casting.

Low Level
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Discern Nature Power Sight Discern Path
Miracle Gift 0 Miracle Gift 1 Miracle Gift 2 Miracle Gift 3 Miracle Gift 4
Tree Heal (S) 5 Tree Heal (S) 10 Tree Heal (S) 15 Tree Heal (S) 20 Tree Heal (S) 25
Tree Heal (T) 5 Tree Heal (T) 10 Tree Heal (T) 15
Trip Entangle (T) Entangle (R) Double Entangle (T) Double Entangle (R)
Mass Trip
Plant Strength Double Plant Strength
Trigger Trap Hold Trap
Aura of Trap Immunity Proficiency Aura of Trap Immunity Specialisation
Plant Walk (S) Plant Walk (T)
Tree Withdraw (S) Tree Withdraw (T)
Tree Recall 0 Tree Recall 1 Tree Recall 2 Tree Recall 3 Tree Recall 4
Warp (T) Warp (R)
Shillelagh 0 Shillelagh 1 Shillelagh 2 Shillelagh 3 Shillelagh 4
Bark Skin 2 Bark Skin 4 Bark Skin 6 Bark Skin 8
Talk with Plant
Nature Gift 1 Nature Gift 2 Nature Gift 4
Tree Form 1
High Level Rank to learn
Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
15 20 30 40 55 70
Miracle Gift 5 Miracle Gift 6 Miracle Gift 7 Miracle Gift 8 Miracle Gift 9 Miracle Gift 10
Tree Heal (S) 30 Tree Heal (S) 35 Tree Heal (S) 40 Tree Heal (S) 45 Tree Heal (S) 50 Tree Heal (S) 55
Tree Heal (T) 20 Tree Heal (T) 25 Tree Heal (T) 30 Tree Heal (T) 35 Tree Heal (T) 40 Tree Heal (T) 45
Triple Entangle (T) Triple Entangle (R) Quadruple Entangle (T) Quadruple Entangle (R) Quintuple Entangle (T) Quintuple Entangle (R)
Mass Entangle Mass Double Entangle Mass Triple Entangle
Triple Plant Strength Quadruple Plant Strength
Aura of Trap Immunity Expertise Aura of Trap Immunity Mastery Aura of Trap Immunity Advanced Mastery
Tree Recall 5 Tree Recall 6 Tree Recall 7 Tree Recall 8 Tree Recall 9 Tree Recall 10
Mass Warp
Shillelagh 5 Shillelagh 6 Shillelagh 7 Shillelagh 8 Shillelagh 9 Shillelagh 10
Bark Skin 10 Bark Skin 12 Bark Skin 14 Bark Skin 16 Bark Skin 18 Bark Skin 20
Wood Immunity (S) Wood Immunity (T)
Nature Gift 8 Nature Gift 16 Nature Gift 32
Tree Form 2 Tree Form 3 Tree Form 4
Discern Nature

Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Informational
Target: Person
The caster will be made aware of all miraculous items, active miracles and followers of the Path of Nature within 10’.

Power Sight

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Informational
Target: Person
The caster will be made aware of all miraculous items or active miracles which he can see.

This is a passive miracle. In order to see power, you must Concentrate and call “Power Sight”.

A Paladin’s Dedicated Weapon would be seen, as it is a miraculous item (Strengthen or Bless). A Paladin’s Power/Normal armour bonus would not be seen.

If you have both Magic Sight and Power Sight active at the same time, you can tell the difference between what is magical and what is miraculous.

Discern Path

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Informational
Target: Person
The caster will be able to determine the Path of the target (which may be a person or a miraculous item). The caster learns how many miracles and of what level and from which Path are active on a specified target with 20’. The target can be a person or an object.

If a person has not learnt any miracles, ceremonies, runesets or consecration skills then he has no Path. A person who has learnt Druidic miracles is a follower of the Path of Nature and additionally gives their primary sect.

Miracle Gift <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 Minutes
Target: Person
Miracle Gift <n> allows the caster to pass knowledge of a Tree miracle of level <n> or lower to another. For the duration of the miracle, the recipient can cast the miracle using his own Standing (he does not need to know, nor does he gain any prerequisites). However, for the duration of the miracle, the giver loses all knowledge of the miracle and also all knowledge of miracles which require it to be known.

A Druidic miracle cannot be gifted to a character who has learnt any miracles from a non-Druidic Principle (i.e. Order, Chaos, Life, Death). This restriction applies even if the character only knows the miracle via Miracle Gift.

Example: Greyash can use Miracle Gift 1 to transfer Tree Heal (S) 2 to any character who has not learnt any non-Druidic miracles. For 15 minutes, he loses all knowledge of Tree Heal (S) 2 and also the miracles above it, such as Tree Heal (S) 3. He still knows Tree Heal (S) 1, however. The receiver can cast Tree Heal (S) 2 only, he cannot cast Tree Heal (S) 1 or Tree Heal (S) 3.

Miracle Gift can be cast by ritual, but you cannot gift miracles that you only know as rituals. Only instant-cast miracles can be gifted.

You cannot Miracle Gift Miracle Gift.

Tree Heal (S)/(T) <n>

Range: Self/Touch
Duration: 1 minute
Type: Non-Stackable
Target: Person
Pre-requisite: Tree Heal (T) <n> requires Tree Heal (S) <n>
This miracle allows the target to heal both his Life and Body points by touching a tree. At the end of the minute (there is no proportional healing) the character is healed of <n> points of Life damage and <n> points of Body damage, spread intelligently (i.e. it goes to the worst location at the GM’s discretion). If the target stops touching the tree, the miracle also stops and must be recast.


Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Person
Resisted by: Dexterity
Causes any plants around the targeted character to tangle together, which trip him if he’s moving (the player should fall to his knees). If there are no ground level plants in the area, the spell has no effect.

You cannot Trip someone who is in the process of getting out of a Grip i.e. has just one leg free.

A usable Dexterity of 4 is sufficient to avoid the effects of Trip.

<Strength> Entangle (T)/(R)

Range: Touch/20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive
Target: Person
Resisted by: Strength
Entangle causes any plants near the target to entangle his limbs. Thus a character on grass will have his legs entangled, while a character on grass and near a tree will his legs and arms entangled. A character with at least Strength can break the hold, taking 5 seconds per entangled location.

Mass Trip

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Area
Resisted by: Dexterity
Prerequisite: Trip
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ is effected by a Trip spell.

Mass <Strength> Entangle

Range: 20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive
Target: Area
Resisted by: Strength
Prerequisite: Entangle (R)
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ is effected by a <Strength> Entangle.

<Strength> Plant Strength

Range: 20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Plant
Plant Strength effects plants and plant based creatures, protecting them from destruction and giving them <Strength> if relevant.

This miracle also repairs damaged plants, healing them of 25/50/75/100 points of damage.

Trigger Trap

Range: 20’
Duration: Instant
Type: Offensive
Target: Trap
The caster nominates a trap that they can detect, using Recognise tracks or other means. If there are plants in the area, then they trigger the trap immediately.

Hold Trap

Range: 20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive
Target: Trap
Resisted by: Protective Castings
The caster nominates a trap that they can detect, using Recognise tracks or other means. If there are plants in the area, then they wrap around the trap, preventing it from being activated by any means.

Aura of Trap Immunity <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Protective
Target: Person
Aura of Trap Immunity creates a sphere of 10’ radius around the caster. Traps equal to or below the level of the Aura of Trap Immunity cannot be triggered up to ten feet around the caster for the duration of the casting. This miracle does not function where plants are not present.

Plant Walk (S)/(T)

Range: Self/Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person
For the duration of this spell, the target is immune to any natural or unnatural plant restraining effects, such as Trip and Entangle.

Tree Withdraw (S)/(T)

Range: Self/Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person
Tree Withdraw allows the character to merge his body into a tree. While within the tree, he cannot be seen, but can see normally out of the tree. If the tree is attacked, the character will take no damage unless the tree is totally destroyed. Tree Drain Miracles will damage the character normally and ignore all protections.

Note that while within the tree the character can use the Prayer/Meditate skills as normal.

Tree Recall <n>

Range: Touch (target point), Self (teleport)
Duration: 15 minutes (target point), Variable (teleport)
Target: Tree (target point), Tree & Person (teleport)
Tree Recall 0 allows the caster to travel to a previously prepared tree up to 20’ away.

Tree Recall has the following properties:

  • The caster (and any extra characters brought) CAN recall THROUGH solid objects (including Grip, Entangle and people).
  • The caster (and any extra characters brought) CAN recall THROUGH Wards, only if ALL each have sufficient Willpower or have been attacked.
  • The caster (and any extra characters brought) CAN recall AROUND Wards, if have sufficient distance.

First the caster must prepare the spot by casting a Tree Recall miracle on a tree. This imprints the tree within the caster’s mind, creating a connection between the two. This connection will last for 15 minutes, but higher levels of the Tree Recall miracle can be used to extend the duration in the normal way. Extension spells and Extend miracles can also be used. A character can only have one such connection and preparing a new site removes the old one. Tree Recall points are personal to the caster and cannot be used by others.

Example: Faliece has a charged item containing 2 charges of Recall 0. He uses the first charge to set a recall point. He then gives the item to Thalassa who uses the Magic Divination spell to attune to it immediately. She cannot use the remaining charge to travel to Faliece’s recall spot.

The recall spot prepared is a physical tree, it cannot be moved. Hence a tree recall spot cannot be put in an item.

To travel to the Tree recall point, the caster casts another Tree Recall on a Tree. Tree Recall 0 can only be cast on the character and will only take him 20’. For every additional level, the caster can choose one of the following:

  • Double the range (40’, 80’, 160’, etc.)
  • Take one other character

The range of Tree Recall is the shortest available route from the departure point to the recall point. This is usually a straight line, but if for instance there was a Ward in the way, the range would be the distance you would have to go around the Ward (if even possible).

Casting Tree Recall when the prepared site is out of range causes the target(s) of the miracle to be temporarily trapped in the ethereal plane, bounced about by the miraculous whiplash. After a few seconds, they will reappear at the departure point, unconscious for 5 minutes or until damaged.

After the player has cast the Tree Recall miracle, he simply puts his hand in the air to signify that he is no longer present and walks to the prepared site (this is counted as ‘time in’).

Example: Bones is about to enter what looks like a goblin invested cave, so he decides to set up an escape route. Locating a likely spot just off the path, he casts Tree Recall 2 on the area and downcasts it as Tree Recall 0 to make sure it lasts for 4 hours. Then he and his brave adventuring friends enter the cave.
Though everything starts well, they eventually come across a Goblin Shaman who’s proving a bit too much for them. Bones is cornered on his own and decides that its time to make a quick exit. Not being exactly sure how far away the site is, he casts Tree Recall 4 on some tree roots and uses every level to double the range (giving a distance 320’). Fortunately, this is well within range and he escapes the massacre.

Tree Recall CANNOT be cast on Treants!

Warp (T)/(R)

Range: Touch/20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Non-metal object
Resisted by: Protective castings
Warp destroys any one non-metal (e.g. wood, bone, stone etc.) object either touched or up to 20’ away.

Mass Warp

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Non-metal object
Resisted by: Protective castings
Prerequisite: Warp (R)
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and a type of item (Shield, Weapon, Armour). One item of the specified type on all characters within 10’ of the point is affected by a Warp. The Warp targets items currently being used first, but continues to other items of the specified type until it takes effect. If a type of Armour is specified, each location is treated as a separate item and the Warp progresses from the strongest to the weakest.

In addition, all non-owned items of that type within 10’ of the point are affected by a Warp.

Example: A party of brave adventurers are fighting a group of Orcs, and have nearly finished defeating them when a Priest of Chaos turns up and casts Mass Warp Weapon. Each character in the area will have the weapon he is currently using affected by a Warp.

In the case where two weapons are being used, the primary weapon is affected first. If the weapon is protected or an unsuitable material, the Warp will move to another weapon owned by the character, targeting a secondary weapon followed by all other weapons starting with the largest (i.e. most damage).

The Warp stops affecting each character once it runs out of targets or it destroys a weapon.

The Warp also destroys all the weapons from the fallen as they are currently unowned.

Shillelagh <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Protective
Target: Non-metal weapon
Power: Sap
Shillelagh can be cast on any non-metal (e.g. wood, bone, stone etc.) weapon and can have one of two effects, chosen at the time of casting. The first is to increase the Normal Damage of the weapon by <n>, the second is to add <n> Power Damage. However, the total damage provided from the weapon and this miracle cannot exceed double the base Normal Damage (e.g. a 1H Sword, base 4, can have up to Shillelagh 4 cast on it). Note that higher levels of Shillelagh can still be cast on the weapon, which makes the effect harder to dispel, but the miracle’s effect is limited.

Example: Silvanus uses a wooden club with which is he proficient, thus causing 3 points per blow. When he casts Shillelagh 2 on the weapon he can chose to have the club do 5 points per blow or do an additional 2 points of Power Damage.

Note that when used to increase the Normal damage, Shillelagh does not protect the weapon from being destroyed. Shillelagh 0 can be used to protect the weapon (on the assumption that it’s cast to add 0 Power Damage).

Shillelagh can be used on bow/crossbow and non-metal throwing weapons (e.g. rocks).

Only one Shillelagh miracle can be cast on a weapon at a time.

Shillelagh CANNOT be used on claws.

Bark Skin <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Defensive, Armouring
Target: Person
Bark Skin makes the character’s skin tougher, protecting him from Normal damage. The target gains <n> points of Normal armour.

Wood Immunity (S)/(T)

Range: Self/Touch
Duration: 15 Minutes
Type: DR10 [Wood]
Target: Person
Prerequisites: Barkskin 14/Barkskin 20
Wood Immunity provides DR10 [Wood] i.e. against Normal damage inflicted by a wooden weapon (or wooden part of a weapon).

Power damage on wooden weapons still harms the recipient of the spell as usual.

Talk With Plant

Range: 20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Informational
Target: Plant

This allows the character to hold a conversation with a single plant, chosen at the time of casting. Note that information will be limited by the plants’s senses, so for example a particular plant might be able to tell the caster that a group of roughly 10 people went by, one of them quite heavy footed, it won’t be able to say what they looked like. This miracle is effective on Shambling Mounds and Treants.

Nature Gift <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Not stackable
Target: Person
Allows the caster to give <n> points of Standing per minute to another person with the following restrictions:

1. The caster cannot have any other Gift active.
2. The caster must touch the person, if contact is broken then the Gift ends.
3. The caster must have no Path or follow the Path of Nature.
4. The caster cannot go below 0 standing, when reached the Gift ends.
5. The person must follow the Path of Nature.
6. If the person is a follower of the same Primary Sect as the caster, the transfer rate is doubled. N.B. The transfer rate is not doubled if the caster has no Path.
7. The person cannot gain more Standing than his normal maximum – any Standing currently active in miracles, when reached the Gift ends.

Example: Cal has a maximum of 30 Standing, he has cast 5 instant Heal Life 4’s (total 5 Standing) and a Bless 2 for 15 minutes (2 Standing). So he currently has 23 Standing. If he was to be the recipient of a Life Gift he could currently only go up to 28 Standing.

Nature Gift can be extended, but you cannot make permanent items of it.

Tree Form

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Non-stackable
Target: Person

The character partially turns himself into a primordial shape of his chosen tree. The caster may select <n> options from the following list:

  • DR2 [Normal]. Additional selections increase the DR by 2 each time.
  • All Tree miracles the target casts require 1 less standing (minimum 1). This can only be selected once.
  • The target counts as a type of tree of the caster’s choice for the purposes of Tree Heal, Tree Recall, Tree Charm and Trip. This can only be selected once.
  • The targets hand attacks cause normal damage with a base of Blunt 3 which can be increased with Shillelagh (cast once per hand). Additional selections increase the base damage by 3 each time.

Whilst in Tree Form, the target can only cast miracles from the sect of Tree.

Whilst in Tree Form, the target is a valid target for the Tree Drain miracle, and treats all such damage as True damage.

The target of Tree Form must have dedicated themselves to the sect of Tree. Tree Form can only be learnt and cast if Tree is the primary Sect of the caster and target.