A chill wind blows; you shiver and pause to draw your robes closer around you. It forces you to scurry to catch up as the patrol makes its way to the camp. Just bandits, or so you've been told, but one report suggested several casters in the group. Ones powerful enough to make it worth sending you with them, even if you've heard the others joking about the Arch Wizard who has never learnt to avoid her own spells. You smile grimly; the joke's on them this time. It was hard, harder to achieve than you'd ever thought, but the effort will be worth it. The patrol takes up position around the camp. Wet behind the ears, all of them, but more than enough for a simple bandit problem. The corporal glares at you as you lean against a tree rather than hiding behind it, but there's no outcry from the camp. After a long moment the corporal signals the charge. The rest of the patrol rushes in. You wait behind; no point exposing yourself to swords if you can help it. You smirk faintly as you hear a crackle and a scream; it sounds like the reports of a caster were right. You saunter into the camp, watching with interest as a younger elf fries another patrolee with a blast of flame. He spots you and recognition flashes in his eyes; rushing the words in fear, he quickly casts and launches another tongue of fire in your direction, the rest of the patrol looking on confused as you do nothing. The fire hits you and bounces back, enveloping the other elf. He screams briefly and collapses, the smell of burnt flesh filling the air. You throw back your head and start laughing as the other patrolees look at each other. The corporal points his sword at you, trembling. "Arch Wizard Zephyra, you are under arrest under the suspicion of being a follower of Anarchy. Will you come quietly or..." He tails off as you grin at him and start calling on your new powers, the effort draining the heat from the air around you, giving it an icy chill. You close your eyes briefly to concentrate better on the task in hand, and open them into the world you left behind.