There is a strange sound, like the rustle of silk, just on the edge of your hearing. You close your eyes for a moment, trying to hear it better, and as you do the sound grows louder, clearer, and then is joined by others. Sounds of movement, quiet murmuring. You feel someone's hand in yours; you open yours eyes, giving a puzzled look to the formally dressed order priest in front of you. You turn to your right and look at the person whose hand you are holding. They are dressed in a bridal gown; a thick white silk veil covers their face stopping you making out their features. The priest coughs, indicating he wishes to start. Your bride lifts her veil; Traci smiles back at you. She winks at you as the priest starts his speech, and then you feel it; you can tell you aren't in control of your own mind. You rail inside your head, trying to get yourself to run or to shout or do anything, but it does not work; the magic she has used is simply too strong. "...take this female citizen of the Barony of Van Huesen to be your lawful wife" intones the priest. You fight but despite your best efforts you say the words "I do," part of your mind happy and content and not under your control at all. You watch in horror as Traci completes her vows in turn, completely unable to affect the events surrounding you. "You may now, as defined by the 14th revision of the Kingdom Marriage Act 989, touch lips with your married partner, in an act henceforth described as kissing. This act of kissing shall be a recognised gesture to mark final agreement on this contract of marriage." As you body leans forward towards hers, time seems to slow. She mouths to you 'You'll always be mine' as she leans in. Your eyes close mercifully, and the sound of her veil is strangely loud in your ears... ...yet no kiss comes. You open your eyes and thankfully see yourself back in this world.