The air is thick and muggy; it feels like a storm is coming. You breathe a sigh of relief as a breeze cuts through it, tainted by the smell of wood smoke. The wind becomes stronger, whipping around you and flicking up leaves and debris. Perversely the smell of smoke also gets stronger, filling your nostrils and making it hard to breathe. You close your eyes to protect them from flying dirt; the wind suddenly drops away, leaving only the smoke. You walk along the road, the smoke from a hundred stoves and ovens filling the air. You try to hurry without appearing to - dignity is all very well, but it's dinner time and Calamity is waiting for you back at the mansion. A far more familiar and far less welcome scent catches your attention. Looking down you see a thin red trickle across the cobbles ahead of you. As you draw level your eyes are drawn back along the trail of blood into an alleyway. It takes you a moment before your brain registers the still body lying there; an even longer moment before you let yourself see the tartan. Oblivious to all else you sprint up the alley and collapse to your knees by Calamity's side, feverishly checking for a pulse. There is none. While the rest of your mind is lost in a whirl of horror and loss a small, calm part of it clinically notes that the body is still warm, still holding onto the staff even now. "An oath, wasn't it?" The voice is somehow familiar; you look up into the eyes of Terrim Androv, grim and angered. "Imagine my surprise to find that you broke our contract for this." He gestures to Calamity's body. "I had thought that maybe he was strong enough that you felt justified in your actions, but clearly I was wrong." His eyes narrow. "I shouldn't have been surprised to find that you're as fickle and chaotic as your father." Rage takes you over, erasing your anguish. Drawing your daggers with a scream of anger you leap up and over Calamity's body intent on killing Terrim. The wind howls down the alley driving a wave of smoke before it; you blink in mid-leap and suddenly see the rest of the patrol walking along as before.