As the party rest your thoughts drift and wander to Calamity; you wonder what he would have made of this mission. As you think about him the smell of his rituals springs to mind; you close your eyes as you imagine watching him perform a ritual, the inscribed papers burning in sacrifice, the smoke seemingly almost real. The smell of smoke is strong from the hearth; you make a mental note to sort out the chimney soon as you carry on with your cleaning. You work busily, happily tidying the main room, making your home nice and neat and ordered, working till the very last bit of dust is determinedly swept out the door. The cleaning done, you decide to take a short break before starting on making dinner. Carefully placing your apron neatly in the prescribed place, you walk softly up the stairs to where your child sleeps. The bedroom is almost as meticulous as the rest of the house; you absentmindedly start picking up stray toys and returning them to the toy chest. Heading over to the cot you reach out and gently spin the mobile hanging above it; it depicts the phases of the moon. Ducking slighly to avoid hitting the mobile with your head you look down into the cot and smile. The werewolf cub is asleep, her tongue lolling out and her leg twitching in response to her dreams. Quietly you stroke her silky black fur, once again surprised by how lucky you've been. "Strange how she sleeps most peacefully at this time of the month." Blackwing's voice is unmistakeable; you turn and smile to greet him. "Just like you, my husband," you reply with a smirk. You walk over and give Blackwing a kiss on the cheek as you make the way out, beginning to smell smoke. "You must have stoked up the fire for me, I'll go prepare dinner". Walking away smiling to yourself, you notice how strong the smell of smoke is; rounding the corner of the corridor you discover yourself amongst the patrol once more.