The party gather and share a joke two, relieving the tension in the atmosphere on this unusual mission. You close your eyes and listen to the laughter that seems to grow more and more manic. Focussed, you open your eyes, surveying the scene in front of you. A rag tag bunch of men and orcs, half lead half driven by the cackling anarchy priest standing behind them. You draw your sword and starting circling around looking for an opening to dive in. An orc charges you, swinging his two-handed sword wildly; you sheathe your sword, taunting him with a look, while beginning to call on the forces of chaos. Stepping to the side at the last moment you slam your hands out into the orc's arm and unleash the harm. He recoils in pain, giving you time to draw your sword and in a couple of quick slices complete the job of making his arm unusable. The orc sufficiently dealt with you push forward once more, trying to stop the anarchy priest. Two scouts move around hoping to pick you off, you drop your sword and focus your will calling the nature of water to entangle them to the ground. Reclaiming your weapon you try and relocate the anarchy priest; you see him making moves to flee as his followers are cut down. Sprinting after him you call on the magic of air; you blink as you run, closing the distance in seconds, before slowing to a more wary approach. The anarchy priest seems strangely confident, giving you all the clue you need. Sheathing your sword you take a moment to refresh your endurance and start to approach as you begin casting once more. He fires a couple of unholy words off but the endurance takes them, leaving you uninterrupted. As you finish the spell you focus, picking out the energies and breaking the reflections he had called up. The momentary look of panic is all the information you need; with an extra dramatic flourish you unleash a bolt of flame, scorching the anarchy priest and knocking him to the floor. Once more you draw your sword, approaching to finish your duty. The anarchy priest is quiet and still, but too late you realise the ruse; he pulls out a talisman and quickly utters some words. A bright flash of light bursts in your eyes, blinding you momentarily. The sound of his maniacal laughter fills your ears, and as your vision clears you see yourself amongst the party once more.